Intelligent Artificiality (IA)
Friday, 15 September, 20:15 - 21:20 / Kijkhuis 1
As technology advances, so does its influence on our lives. From digital filmmaking to social media, VR environments for rehabilitation, and AI algorithms making decisions for us, technology surrounds us. With an increasing pace, these new developments weave their way into our current reality, claiming to enhance the quality of our lives, but at what cost? Join us for a short film session exploring the environmental, social, and subjective effects of analog, digital, and (un)intelligent technologies, presented in partnership with Days of Art & Science and Nacht van Ontdekkingen (Night of Discoveries).
*As part of Leiden Shorts partnership with Days of Art of Science, visitors of this film session will receive a 50% discount with purchasing a ticket for Nacht van Ontdekkingen taking place across Leiden on September 15 2023. To receive the discount code simply email your purchased session ticket to:
65 min.
Once upon a time... Old magazines gently dance in the wind. A super-8 camera crawls over a wooden table while an old carpet flows in and out. Suddenly, a mouse and then, a whole civilisation running towards its inevitable destiny.
As an intelligent elevator discovers the world, we get to know the invisible links between extreme heights and extreme depths.
Suzi doll is an ego-warrior. The director’s online avatar, marching to the algorithms of social media. She is lit by temporary outrage. A trending indignation. A passion that is fashion. A politics of the popular.
A former military game designer was spotted in a video game competition organized by the army. Before going to war, he made video game scenarios that prepared soldiers to cultural shocks and healed trauma.
A life insurance company uses an AI algorithm to determine the risk of a new applicant. The subsequent denial sparks a period of introspection for the individual in question.