Weird Cocktail
It appears you are in the mood for fun!
Leiden Shorts traditionally has a Doe Normaal session – with the weirdest most bizarre films we’ve received that edition. Are they funny? non-sensical? masterpieces? You will be the judge of that. The following four shorts were all highlights of said session, so sit back, and enjoy this truly odd concoction of films.
- ALESTORM – Shit Boat (No Fans)/ Simon Norton / 01’35 / Australia / 2020
- Man or Tree/ Varun Raman, Tom Hancock / 4’00 / UK / 2021
- Carnivorous Bean Sprout/ SeO / 4’35 / South Korea / 2021
- Déjeuner sur l’herbe/ Jocelyn Charles, Jules Bourgès, Nathan Harbonn-Viaud, Pierre Rougemont / 7’30 / France / 2019