Words Words Words are Decorative Sounds

The video investigates the complex relationship between language and cultural identity in our contemporary times. Instead of considering languages as simple communication tools, here they become viruses able to contaminate each other shaping new identities and geographies. The starting point of the video is a fragmented narration of an anecdotic story: an intimate adolescent memory of learning English. This memory is playfully filtered through references to the mainstream visual culture of the late 80s and 90s. The video work describes the process of shaping new forms of the self through the use of language. Words, memories and images merge with artificial landscapes, created and filmed in a marine engineering studio, and flow in vague yet coherent sequences that feel as natural and unsettling as a dream.

Director Biography

Giovanni Giaretta (Padua 1983) currently lives and works in Amsterdam. After graduating in Design and Production of Visual Arts at the University IUAV of Venice, he took part in a number of residency programs including: Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art in Paris, De Ateliers in Amsterdam and Deltaworkers in New Orleans.


Giovanni Giaretta











The Geography Within Me

Thursday, 2 September 22:05 - 23:43 / Kijkhuis 1
98 min.
Sunday, 5 September 12:10 - 13:33 / Kijkhuis 2
83 min.

Also in this session

1. Words Words Words are Decorative Sounds
Giovanni Giaretta, 8
2. Heaven Reaches Down to Earth
Tebogo Malebogo, 10 min.
3. I Am Afraid to Forget Your Face
Sameh Alaa, 15 min.
4. Las fauces
Mauricio Maldonado, 16 min.
5. Les attendants
QuĂ˝ Truong Minh, 15 min.
6. The End of Suffering (a Proposal)
Jacqueline Lentzou, 14 min.