Has the catastrophe already happened or is it about to? Two men and a woman sit in their bunker-like apartments, as if they were in a waiting room. Overwhelmed by the flood of media information and guidebook words of wisdom, they seek stability in the piano play of the educated middle-class and Far-eastern self-optimization techniques. Their passive bewilderment turns into frenzied activism. Now something has to happen! But nothing does.
Max Philipp Schmid
14 minutes
States of Mind
Thursday, September 10 20:45 - 22:08
83 min.
Saturday, September 12 10:45 - 12:08
83 min.
Also in this session
1. Figurant
Jan Vejnar, 14 minutes
2. Als je later groot bent
Max Baggerman, 21 minutes
3. Membrane
Max Philipp Schmid, 14 minutes
4. Cayenne
Simon Gionet, 11 minutes
5. Mascot
Leeha Kim, 7 minutes
6. The Box
Marie-Pierre Hauwelle, 11 minutes